
  • my hair is greasy in the morning. no, no let me rephrase. my hair (sometimes) has that oh-my-god-you’d-be-lucky-waking-up-next-to-this look but the SECOND I step outside that door, it appears as though I bathed in last night’s fryer oil. **disclaimer: this may indicate I really do need glasses.
  • instead of wedding gifts, I want our guests to donate to their favorite charity. from there, the most popular charity will be given a donation from the mister and I every year on our anniversary.
  • 2014 is about visiting friends/family.
  • I want to adopt a puppy when I’m pregnant with my first so the two can grow up together (hopefully a boy) ((do I have that kind of power?))
  • 2015 is about going to Europe.
  • coffee is my favorite thing to drink in the world. yes, that over gin and wine. coffee and morning light; I even have a pinterest board dedicated to it.
  • lastest guilty pleasure is miley’s adore you.
  • I am very giddy to begin
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